- Title: Agnes of God
- Summary: When a naive novice nun is discovered with a dead newborn in her convent quarters, a court appointed psychiatrist investigates her case.
- Director: Norman Jewison
- Cast: Jane Fonda, Anne Bancroft, Meg Tilly, Anne Pitoniak, Winston Rekert, Gratien Gélinas, Guy Hoffman, Gabriel Arcand, Fran√ßoise Faucher, Jacques Tourangeau, Janine Fluet, Deborah Grover, Michele George, Samantha Langevin, Jacqueline Blais
- Year: 1985
- Item Type:
- Keywords:
- Format: DVD
- Relation: Black Narcissus, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison, The Sound of Music
- Language: English
- Country: USA
- Collection: Drama
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