- Title: Camelot
- Summary: The love triangle between King Arthur, Guenevere and Sir Lancelot in legendary Camelot.
- Director: Joshua Logan
- Cast: Richard Harris, Vanessa Redgrave, Franco Nero, David Hemmings, Lionel Jeffries, Laurence Naismith, Pierre Olaf, Estelle Winwood, Gary Marshal, Anthony Rogers, Peter Bromilow, Sue Casey, Gary Marsh, Nicolas Beauvy
- Year: 1967
- Item Type:
- Keywords:
- Format: LD
- Relation: Excalibur, Lancelot of the Lake, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Language: English
- Country: USA
- Comments: The laser disk includes the trailer, musical overture, intermission music and exit music.
- Collection: Musical
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