- Title: Gone with the Wind
- Summary: A manipulative woman and a roguish man carry on a turbulent love affair in the American south during the civil war and the reconstruction period.
- Director: Sam Wood, Victor Fleming, George Cukor
- Cast: Clark Gable, Thomas Mitchell, Barbara O'Neil, Vivien Leigh, Evelyn Keyes, Ann Rutherford, Hattie McDaniel, Leslie Howard
- Studio: MGM
- Year: 1939
- Item Type:
- Keywords: Academy Award
- Format: LD
- Relation: Birth of a Nation, Civil War, The General, Moguls & Movie Stars, The Red Badge of Courage, That's Entertainment
- Language: English
- Country: USA
- Collection: Epic
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- Title: Gone with the Wind
- Director: Sam Wood, Victor Fleming, George Cukor
- Cast: Clark Gable, Thomas Mitchell, Barbara O'Neil, Vivien Leigh, Evelyn Keyes, Ann Rutherford, Hattie McDaniel, Leslie Howard
- Country: USA
- Format: DVD