- Title: Round Midnight
- Summary: A bebop jazz saxophonist comes to Paris in the late 1950s. He spurred on a a French fan into one last burst of creative energy.
- Director: Bertrand Tavernier
- Cast: Dexter Gordon, François Cluzet, Gabrielle Haker, Sandra Reaves-Phillips, Lonette McKee, Herbie Hancock
- Year: 1986
- Item Type:
- Keywords:
- Format: DVD
- Relation: After Hours, Al Neil A Portrait, Let's Get Lost
- Language: English and French with English subtitles
- Country: USA France
- Comments: Some portions of the film are in French with English subtitles. The DVD includes filmographies and the theatrical trailer.
- Collection: Musical
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- Title: Round Midnight
- Director: Bertrand Tavernier
- Cast: Dexter Gordon, François Cluzet, Gabrielle Haker, Sandra Reaves-Phillips, Lonette McKee, Herbie Hancock
- Country: USA France
- Format: LD