- Title: Unseen Cinema 4: Inverted Narratives: New Directions in Storytelling / THe House with Closed Shutters / Suspense / Moonland / Lullaby / The Bridge / The Spy / Little Geezer (His Rise and Fall) / Black Dawn / Dawn to Dawn / Native Land / The World Today: Black Legion / Even: As You and I / Object Lesson / Sredni Vashtar by Saki
- Summary: Twelve films of the avant-garde, experimental, the fourth DVD in a seven DVD set.
- Director: D.W. Griffith, Lois Weber, Philips Smalley, Neil McGuire, William O'Connor, Boris Deutsch, Charles Vidor, Theodore Huff, Josef Bryne, Seymour Stern, Leo Hurwitz, Paul Strand, Willard Van Dyke, Ralph Steiner, Irving Lerner, Ben Maddow, Mike Gordon, Lionel Berman, Roger Barlow, Harry Hay, Le Roy Robbins, Christopher Young, David Bradley
- Cast: Henry Walhall, Grace Henderson, Dorothy West, Joseph Graybill, Charles West, William Butler, Lois Weber, Valentine Paul, Douglas Gerard, Sam Kaufman, Lon Chaney, Mickey McBan, Riva Deutsch, Michael Visaroff, Nicholas Bela, Charles Darvas, Julie Hayden, Ole Ness, Frank Eklof, Paul Robeson, Fred Johnson, Mary George, John Rennick, Amelia Romano, Housely Stevens, Louis Grant, Lester Luther, Renny Kidd, Mrs. Herbert Hyde, Lucielle Powell. Roger Barlow, Harry Hay, Hy Hirsh
- Item Type:
- Keywords:
- Format: DVD
- Country: USA
- Comments: The DVD includes: The House with Closed Shutters (1910)—D.W. Griffith & G.W. "Billy" Bitzer Suspense (1913)—Lois Weber & Philips Smalley Moonland (c. 1926)—Neil McQuire & William A. O'Connor Lullaby (1929)—Boris Deutsch The Bridge (1929-30)—Charles Vidor Little Geezer (1932)—Theodore Huff Black Dawn (1933)—Josef Berne & Seymour Stern Native Land (1937-41)—Frontier Films: Leo Hurwitz & Paul Strand (excerpt) Black Legion (1936-7)—Nykino: Ralph Steiner & Willard Van Dyke Even As You and I (1937)—Roger Barlow, Harry Hay & Le Roy Robbins Object Lesson (1941)—Christoher Young "Sredni Vashtar" by Saki (1940-43)—David Bradley
- Collection: Documentary | Experimental
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